If, when blending tobaccos, you find that the result is not
satisfactory, you might be wise to start with smaller amounts. In the last video in this
section we'll show you specifically the AXE scale which will precisely blend one
cigarette's worth of tobacco at a time. However, blends with a number of components can be
done in a bit larger quantities, up to an ounce while risking little tobacco. This first
video is an overview of blending in general and one blend in particular which is
specifically: 40% D&R Penhooker Light (a Canadian Blend), 20% Windsail Platinum (one
of the incredible new pure flu-cured Virginia blends from D&R), 10% Two-Timer (a
delicious double toasted Burley also from D&R), 20% Ramback (D&R's spectacular
Turkish), finishing off the last 10% with Stokkebye's new London Export (for that final
zap of the mildly exotic). In this video, we discuss the properties of each tobacco as to
how their flavors fit into this blend, and then show you how we use the scale to achieve
reproducible results. The percentages are related to this scale's ability to accurately
measure tenths or hundredths of an ounce. This one ounce, 5 component blend is one of the
most enticing blends we have come up with. Let's look at how we did it. All scales for
this series are manufactured by HBI Technologies, www.hbiinternational.com.

This next video shows the creation of three different blends.
Using the same ibalance 2500 scale, we use different units of measure to achieve each of
these blends. This not only shows the versatility of the scale, but the diversity of what
you can do with various tobaccos and the various total quantities you can choose to
experiment with.
In this next video, we show what happens when you combine the
total output of the preceding three blends. Now we knew in advance what this final
combination of tobaccos would accomplish, and towards the end of the video we show the
actual overall percentages of each component. Remember you can pause the video at any time
(and zoom it up as well) in order to have time to jot down the individual component
values. The late Peter Stokkebye, the Master of Tobacco, and I spent many pleasurable
hours experimenting in just this way. Its a lot of fun and is at the heart of the full
enjoyment of the make you own and roll your own experience. For your friends that smoke
cigarettes or even those that make their own but have not tried blending, offering them
one of these custom blended jewels, will likely blow them away. Even James Bond's (007)
custom cigarettes could not match these innovative combinations. I show you in this video
as well how to mix the final and larger amount of tobaccos in the really nice large bowl
that comes with the MYWeigh scale.

And finally to close this section on blending, we show you the AXE
scale from HBI Technologies. This credit card size scale is accurate to .1 gram (one tenth
of one gram) which means that theoretically you could create a ten component blend that
would be just enough tobacco for one injected cigarette. There is no better way to begin
the blending methodology than to start in small amounts and one cigarette at a time from
accurately measured component tobaccos is really a lot of fun. You'll be surprised at how
much reduction in your tobacco intake can result from this kind of meticulous attention to
each smoke. And since the AXE can hold up to 150 grams, using a small salad bowl with it,
you may not need any other scale.

There will be many more blending recipes in these pages as well in
the Tobacco Section of RYO Magazine www.ryomagazine.com.
We hope you will take our advice and start custom blending. You won't believe the
difference it can make in both your continued enjoyment, and the sense of adventure you'll
feel when doing your own experiments. And remember, though oft said before, those that
truly examine and relish each blend of tobacco, tend to smoke a lot less and fairly
quickly may lose, as well, any dependency on the chemical by-products of smoking.