There have been a few new products in this category to attract our
attention this time and all have some interesting qualities that make them worth writing
about. The first two, while similar, are both high quality tubes from well known companies
in the RYO/MYO industry. Probably no single person is better known in this industry as is
Peter Stokkebye. His tobaccos have set the benchmark for many decades and his company's
migration into the newer MYO injector dominated portion of the rolling industry has been
both smooth and dramatic. So many of his noteworthy rolling tobacco blends have found
favor with the new tube injector crowd, that Stokkebye International ( really did not have to
change much to adapt to this new market. Nonetheless, Stokkebye has continued to update
and introduce new products. His McClintock brand of tobaccos are among
the most popular on the planet for the discerning MYO enthusiast and the Bali Red line
continues to be my personal favorite for injecting into tubes. So, it is only logical,
though I am surprised it took this long, that the Stokkebye company would develop their
own line of tubes. The McClintock tube was probably first generated to
work with their new kits, as kits need three components - tobacco, tubes and injectors.
Like most other tobacco companies, whose business is predominantly tobacco, they opted for
tubes that were of high quality but without significant differences from most other good
tubes. Their bundled hand injector fits in much the same category. 
took a little different approach in so far as they are not a tobacco company and already
had several lines of tubes to accompany their vast rolling paper business, including the
Gizeh signature brand, Silver Tips, Charbon, Menthol and Mascotte brands. Their new Twister
tube, like Stokkebye's McClintock are nice quality, unassuming and low
cost entries into the market. Both tubes use the European standard 15mm filter element,
which is a bit of a surprise, as most US market dedicated tubes use the longer 17mm
element. It really does not make that much of a difference in the taste of the smoke, but
can be an annoyance to some who find the fact that the filter itself is recessed
considerably from the end of the tipping paper (where the brown meets the white cigarette
paper) to be disturbing. They find that 2 mm difference can make a small difference in how
effectively the injector fills the filter area of the tube and many of our readers have
commented on just such occurrences. Again, we feel it is no big deal but honestly we
prefer the 17 mm length as well. We have even considered the advantages of a longer filter
element than the 17mm preferred by the US market. The Rizla Cigarette Size tube uses an
even longer element as shown below, but the jury is still out as to when too much
filtration occurs, breaking up the smoke into too fine of particles and thus irritating
the throat and lungs of the smoker much like pre-mades can and do.

Since tipping paper
makes up about 24mm of the 84 mm's of total tube length, the 2mm is a relatively small difference and a properly functioning injector will notice
little difference when used properly to begin with. Still, we would like to see the longer
elements used, as an option if necessary, in both the Gizeh and McClintock
lines. Both tubes share very similar packaging strategies and we would not be surprised to
find they come out of the same factory or are certainly made on similar machines. Again,
this should not dissuade their success as they are both well made tubes from reputable,
perhaps even revered companies and impart no added taste to tobacco, which is the primary
goal of any tube design. Neither tube has any revolutionary aspect like the new Rizla
"Cigarette Size tube we reviewed last time or the new Vera Cruz
"Nocturne" which was introduced at the RTDA show in Nashville last
week. The Rizla tube is purportedly doing quite well and seems to have
found a consistent quality which is admirable for a radically new product. We really liked
this new tube and hope that, in the near future, new and better full-sized injectors will
be created to fill it.

The much anticipated Vera
Cruz ( has
arrived and is already causing quite a stir as it is the
first, truly elegant, designer quality MYO tube in the world. Though much more expensive
to produce, its wholesale cost is only a little higher than normal tubes and less than
some 100mms and unique size tubes like the Rizla. At left is finally a production graphic
of the actual Vera Cruz "Nocturne" tube. We
are told that many orders have already been placed to CTC, its maker, and this new tube
portends to change the way many folks, especially those who have not yet left the ranks of
the packaged cigarette smoker, feel about making their own custom cigarettes. We hope this
is the case, as the true goal of the RYO/MYO philosophy is to encourage folks to treat
each smoke as a very special event. A tube this beautiful really brings that experience
home. Few would consider drinking a fine wine out of a paper cup and the same aesthetic
should apply to tobacco. We have tried the finished production version of the Vera
Cruz tube and are astounded at its elegance and tastiness. It leaves the tobacco
flavor alone like a good tube should, while showing the world that the smoker is proud
that he or she is smoking a custom made cigarette, one that they personally selected all
elements of. It will be interesting to see the reaction to this tube at the show. There is
nothing else like it on the planet and I predict it will change the way the entire
industry and the smoking public looks at the cosmetics and image of RYO/MYO. Of course, I
have been encouraging such an innovative change for several years now, and perhaps it is
beginning to sink in. Time will tell, but I can assure you of one thing. Taking this tube
out in public attracted a whole lot of attention everywhere I went among the smoking
public, and the same was true at this year's RTDA. As one person put it
during a smoke break/intermission at a concert I recently attended, "that is the most
beautiful cigarette I have ever seen." And . . . They were not even smokers!
Update: The Vera Cruz "Nocturne" king size filtered cigarette
tube was one of the real hits of the RTDA show. They are already significantly backordered
(as I predicted) and the excitement about the escalation in the image of MYO is palpable.
The new tube attracted a great number of people from the cigar shop world who had not yet
been introduced to the profit potential of carrying make your own supplies. This new tube
is just what they needed to realize that the Make Your Own world can be every bit as
luxurious and connoisseur driven as is the cigar market. CTC did an outstanding job on
this new product from start to finish, and took the time necessary to do it right. Really
right. Let the show begin. The official RTDA flyer for the Vera Cruz "Nocturne"
tube is shown at right above. You will find them at many fine tobacco shops already, and
online at such shops as D&R Tobacco,
RYO Tobacco
, and Custom Blends
and even though they are backordered, the first run was plentiful enough and distributed
wisely to meet the market demand for a while. For you retailers, HJBailey is one
of many distributors including D&R who also distributes quantities. For upcoming
information about this great new tube, and more and more places to find them, visit the
Vera Cruz website, at

There is also yet
another entry from CTC in the tube market
that signifies yet another milestone and that is their new Premier 100 mm Light
tube. This product joins forces with their regular strength 100 mm Premier
tube to provide the added length in both varieties at
remarkably low prices. They (shown at right) are the least expensive of the 100 mm entries
and are already selling quite well. The tube market is growing because of the migration of
packaged cigarette smokers to MYO in the US. However, it is also growing because it has
finally become apparent to the industry that not everyone indulges in MYO simply because
it is cheaper than pre-mades. Those that try MYO seldom return to packaged smokes for the
simple reason that the pleasure of fine, pure tasting tobacco, mixed with a demonstrable
lessening of obsessive behavior, and topped off with the variety of experiences offered,
far outweigh even the smaller cost. Few I have talked with would switch back even if they
gave pre-mades away for free. I know I would not.
Having now returned from the Convention in Nashville our initial take
on all of the aforementioned products has proven to be accurate. The MYO industry is
continuing in its proactive and aggressive development of more and better products to
serve the growing number of smokers who are looking for an alternative to the obsession
driven ambience of packaged smokes. Smokers are increasingly looking at the enjoyment of
tobacco in a much more personal way and with their own varying tastes at the control
switch. They are being served well.
This is all we have
for now from the world of tubes. As more new designs come to life we will test them and
let you know what we think. For those of you new to all of this, we suggest you consult
our Archive section as every tube in the world worth writing about will
be found there. Until next time, keep in touch and let us know your thoughts on each of
the products we review. This is a fascinating subject that is shared by many hundreds of
thousand of readers and each of us wants to know what the other person's impressions
are. We look forward to hearing from you. -the ed.
