this issue's Injector Section, we took a look at the new innovation from
CTC which is the 6.5 mm Rayo Slim hand injector. As promised, we will now
take a look at the tubes that are made for this creative new product. We will also take a
look at some issues that seem to be of interest to many of our readers, namely, tip diameter and filter element length. But first let's examine the
new tubes as they are, in my opinion, going to revolutionize they way many folks look at
MYO cigarettes, especially those making the uncertain transformation from the packaged
cigarette market. The new Premier version package is shown at left and is
strikingly different in appearance from traditional MYO cigarette tubes. The minute you see the package that the new "slimmer" tubes
come in, you know something is up. The box is about half the size of most 200 count tube
boxes and has a pleasingly cubicle shape. Because of the dimensional characteristics of
the box and the way the box opening is designed, this container is going to be much
sturdier, which translates into fewer crushed tubes and much more flexibility in
transporting them. When you open this new container, the first thing you notice is that
the tubes inside are strikingly upscale looking. They come in both the Premier and Rayo brands, but are
essentially identical. They are very nicely made with darker print logo and labeling on
the tube you can actually read. Very classy. The new tube is considerably smaller in
diameter than the industry standard 8+mm King-Size (as you can see in the graphic at
right). They are also shorter, the possible ramification of which we will address in a
moment. However, the biggest news is how wonderful these little things are to smoke. The thinner design makes for a much
milder stick regardless of which tobacco you choose. It is also a fact that these new
tubes use considerably less tobacco than the traditional size. CTC provided the figure of
20% less tobacco but we find the savings to be closer to 50%. What this translates to in
practical terms is less money spent on your smoking, unless you smoke twice as much as
with the standard tube. We think that will likely not be the case for those who find these
as attractive and functional as we do. The reason is that most MYO cigarettes last a very
long time, ten minutes or more and many simply don't want that long of a smoke. Some put
them out after only half finishing the stick and relight them later when they are ready
for more. More often, the half used stick is discarded and a new one is lit. Regardless of
which group you find yourself in, there are definite advantages to the shorter smoke. The
fact that the tube is also shorter, about the length of a Regular size cigarette (Camel
unfiltered, Export A, etc.) makes for an even shorter smoke. In tests, we found them to
last about 50% longer than either the Camel or the Export A, but as these are packaged
cigarettes and have certain accelerated burning characteristics that are well known to the
MYO enthusiast, this does come as no surprise. Now no doubt at some time we feel a longer
version of this slim stick will be demanded by the emerging MYO public. A longer sick
would put the experience into the realm of the "Queen Size" Sherman Natural/Cigaretellos market, as the diameter is the same, though
the Sherman product is a full 100mm in length. The industry standard for cigarette
diameters of packaged cigarettes is approximately 7.5mm (see the new Camel stick at
right). We consider the new Premier and Rayo Slim tubes to be a very important step in
attracting a larger segment of the smoking public and certainly welcome the opportunity to
enjoy a shorter smoke. Even more pleasing, we now have the ability to consume the more
flavorful halfzware, like Stokkebye's Amsterdam Shag, Samson Blue, Bali Blue, Gauloises
and other robust tobaccos that we usually enjoyed only in a thinly handrolled stick. CTC
certainly has earned a high five from us for this new product.

One subject that we
seem to get a disproportionally large amount of e-mail about is the actual dimensional
length of the filter elements that are in various filtered tubes. Many complain that the
element does not extend the full length of the "tipping" paper, which is the
brown or "cork" part of the stick you hold in you mouth. The graphic at left
shows not only the various "typical" filter element sizes but
also includes representatives of the filter plugs or "tips" that some people use
with hand rollers and rolling papers. One such product represented in this rather larger
display is a new one from Wilson's of Sharrow, distributed by The
Sheffield Exchange (
- yes, the company that distributes Sheffield Sterling Silver products/high quality
cutting tool products from the renowned Sheffield region of the UK, as well as the
predominant distributor of English Nasal Snuff in the US). Over the years, we have had
many requests for a slimmer filter tip from the handrolling customer and reader and until
now could not find one in the US. Europe has supplied this size for quite some time so
those of you who have been looking need wait no longer. The Sharrow
product line has three selections of filter tips (sometimes referred to as filter plugs).
Gizeh, CTC (Rayo) and Canuma have pretty much dominated the US market up until now and all
of their products we have seen have been the standard 8+mm diameter filter. The new
Sharrow line ranges from a really tiny 14 x 5mm plug to a full 20mm x 7 filter. As you can
see, the Rayo (the most commonly found in tobacco stores, along with Gizeh and Canuma) is
20 mm but over 8mm in diameter. For the most part, we find the larger diameter tips to be
difficult to use in hand rollers as they tend to do better with a similar 8mm rolled stick
which we find simply too large for our tastes. These tips are very popular so our opinion
is just that, but many have requested narrower tips. I personally like to create with a
110mm hand roller a much thinner stick and I think I have a lot of company. The Sharrow
products should do quite well as they are both well made and available now for
distribution from Sheffield ( Since RYO Tobacco ( ) carries their English Nasal
Snuff, we would suspect that they will add to their inventory of Rayo, Gizeh, and Canuma,
these great new smaller filter products.

To address the
question of filter element lengths let's repeat the graphic above so you can see it while
you read the following: Filter elements (which include the filter material itself, wrapped
in a paper sleeve) are manufactured on machines designed (as
CTC does) specifically for their manufacture, while in most cases, tubes are made on a
machine called a Decoufle (pronounced dek-o-flay). This is the same machine that makes
filter tubes for most of the larger manufacturers, CTC included. There are other less
complicated (and less costly) machines that make tubes and CTC has pioneered many of the
designs. The Decoufle, however is a multi-million dollar machine that is modular and is
similar to the machines that manufacture packaged cigarettes. Each module performs a
different function and the first stage module is the one that introduces the filter
element usually manufactured elsewhere. While CTC has proprietary machines that can do
practically any size and kind of filter, the Decoufle is faster and is used by most filter
tube makers because of the quantity it can produce. It does have certain limitations which
are reasonable tradeoffs considering it can manufacture many thousands of finished tubes
per hour. It makes use of filter element rods which then, in the case of standard
King-Size tubes, it cuts to size resulting in the 17mm length of most MYO tube filter
elements. The longer Rayo 20 mm plugs are made on other types of machines.

Because of the
Decoufle's high cost, the machine is most often dedicated to making tubes using elements
produced on other machines. Tipping paper comes in 24 and 48mm strips, the Decoufle uses
the wider one which it cuts in half as part of the tube making process. This is why all
MYO tubes, regardless of manufacturer have approximately 17mm filter elements and 24mm
tipping paper on the tube. Thus, at this stage of development, you will always find about
7 mm of overlap from the tipping paper to the actual filter element. Manufactured
cigarettes are not injected but rather rolled and thus have different technologies making
the final assembly. The machines that make cigarettes are even more costly than the
Decoufle. For the time being, you will have to get used to the fact that the filter
elements in your tubes are not going to be as long as the colored, (or white) tipping
paper. There are advantages to this as I can often remember absent-mindedly smoking a
manufactured cigarette too close to the tip and getting a mouthful of burning (melting)
filter element. With the shorter elements when you stop at where the tip begins you are
still smoking tobacco. Zig-Zag's 100 mm tubes have a longer filter element but are made on
a machine specifically designed for this purpose. On the other hand, the Maiker 100mm
tubes we have seen from Sixty-One have the 17 mm filter element as well. More on this
amazing machine, including pictures, can be found in our Special Review Section
this time where we take a look inside CTC (The Clinton Tube Company). Likewise, the new
CTC line of Slim tubes are made on other kinds of machines. The process is quite
interesting but has limitations that will exist until the MYO industry grows to the point
where substantial (and I mean substantial) investment in more flexible production
machinery designs are practical.

And finally, the Vera Cruz line of designer tubes is
nearing final design and production planning stages. As of this writing, we expect the
tube to look much like the example below. The manufacturers have discarded the Maduro and
Elegante handles and replaced them with the "Nocturne" label. We will keep you
updated on the final launch date. Those that have
tried the prototypes really like them and we continue to feel confident that they will
make the MYO experience even more attractive to a lot of packaged cigarette smokers as
well as attract folks from the boutique market as well. As is the case with any new
product, a great deal of time is spent on design parameter compromises that will offer the consumer the best possible product at a cost
that is realistic. These tubes have a great flavor, which means they are neutral and add
no additional flavor to whatever wonderful tobacco you may choose to put in them. Let us
know what you think of this latest design as your input continues to be important to the
development of this really exciting new product. Until next time, let us know what you
think of the new slim design tubes, the Sharrow slim-line filter plugs, and any other
ideas you may have rattling around that you think would be of benefit to the RYO/MYO
industry. By the way, our review of the David Ross filters generated huge amounts of interest. As a matter of
fact, we have received a lot of very positive e-mail about these
cost-effective strength reducing devices. It is always gratifying to introduce new
products to our readers and this is amplified immensely when the response is so
overwhelmingly positive. You may contact us at the link below or go to the Contact
page for more options. We look forward to hearing from you. -the ed.
