The Supermatic II, we have reviewed
a couple of times since January of 2000, has undergone several improvements over the last
few years. Until now, these improvements have concentrated on quality control and the
precision with which the inner workings function. Because this machine has a
plastic shell, the metal plate that secures the actual working mechanism has always been
subject to at least the feeling of some torque as you inject. Under ideal conditions
(proper tobacco size and moisture as well as proper fill), this small amount of
flexibility has not been too much of a problem. However, as more tobacco or tobacco of
questionable grade or condition is introduced into the system, injection can be less than
smooth with this machine. A little over a year ago, new Supermatic II's started showing up
with a green label on the boxes that said "New & Improved." We found these
machines to be more highly "factory" tuned and obviously a considerable amount
of effort was put into each machine as it left the assembly line to make sure all of the
alignments and fittings were properly set up. This fine tuning could be performed by the
user as well, as it usually involved the part of the mechanism that dictates when the tube
is released from the rubber stalk that holds the tube in place. Even the slightest
mis-alignment at that point made the machine feel "sticky" and often resulted in
the crank, when it finally was released, to come snapping back with quite a bang. If this
happens enough, the whole alignment scenario for the machine could be jeopardized. The
'New & Improved" version rarely had this problem. 
We at RYO Magazine have reasoned that the Supermatic I (now the Big Blue
one) and the new highly upgraded Excel Platinum basically covered the needs of the market
and that the Supermatic II, might just find itself a victim of third wheel redundancy. Many of our readers and myself included, like the Platinum
Excel almost as much as the top of the line Supermatic, especially given its very
ergonomic feel and the fact that it works incredibly well. Its much lower price cannot be
discounted either as a deciding factor. So where does the mid-priced Supermatic II
really fit in. We have asked a lot of people over the years just that question and it
appears that many still like the idea of a little bigger injector than the Excel and yet
don't want to pay the higher price of the new Premier Supermatic. Of course, this depends
a great deal on where you are buying them. We have seen prices for the Supermatic Blue
(Premier) as high as $79.95. In all fairness however, one can usually find them in the mid
$40 range with shipping. As some sites and stores sell the Supermatic at prices
approaching this number it really does boil down to finding which machine works best
for you and then shopping around for the best deal. The Excel can go for as little as
$23.00 with $35 about the highest price we've seen. In general, the Supermatic II
lands always somewhere in between the other two.
Now CTC, faced with a decision about the "II",
has decided to dress up this machine with a new gold color and new
badging (shown at right). The interior components have been reworked and beefed up and,
consequently, this new version is much better than the older brown one. It still has a
plastic case and rubber feet but it IS very beautiful. We must assume that CTC has
confidence it will provide enough market share to justify the upgrades and thankfully the
price has not gone up much at all. I guess the best way to look at all of this is that
there are now three crank style injectors in the CTC lineup that will all out-perform ANY
of the almost non-existent competition and are all significantly better than their
predecessors. The new packaging for the entire lineup is shown above left. For more
information about these products and to contact the company click on the banner below.

We felt it important to repeat from last time, our recommendation for the
successful use of these machines (these tips apply to all injectors generally, most
especially the crank style). You will find this information at the bottom of this page.
Before we do, however, we would like to introduce you to a new CTC product that we are
frankly ecstatic about. It is their new slimmer 6.5mm hand injector (6.5 mm tube
diameter - standard is about 8.1mm - you should take a look at our Filter Tube
section this time to see more about tube, filter lengths, and diameters, where we share
the answers to questions from literally thousands of our readers who have emailed us on
these issues). The basic concept of a slimmer Make Your Own stick has been of interest to
us for several years now. As most of you who make your own already have noticed, the make
your own sticks are thicker (larger diameter) than any manufactured cigarettes.
Traditional cigarette cases often squash your MYO smokes and the fatter stick does not
look as elegant as some of the more standard size pre-mades. It also uses more tobacco and
the fact that MYO cigarettes burn far longer as a rule than packaged smokes, cause many to
think that the diameter could and should be reduced. For reference, the industry standard
for manufactured brands is about 7.5 mm, with slims and boutiques like Sherman's, closer
to the 6.5 mm mark. Look at the Camel Turkish Royal at left. (Go to our Tobacco
Section for more on this interesting upscale attempt from the packaged cigarette
industry.) This cigarette is 7.4mm in diameter with a filter element length of about 20
mm. (Again look at our Filter Tube Section for more information on filter element lengths.) The fact is that we
and others have recognized the wisdom of creating a smaller diameter tube and injector for
some time and CTC has finally done just that. The new injector (The Rayo
shown above left) was necessary of course and, to date, only a hand-held model exists.
Admittedly, there are problems with slimmer sticks when it comes to injection. First of
all, you must be careful how large the tobacco cut is (not really a big problem with most
popular roll your own brands of tobacco but to be considered nonetheless). More
importantly, the injector components must be scaled down to the point that there is even
less room for error in not only the amount of tobacco you use, but also the reduced size
of the spoon (the part that actually enters the tube carrying the tobacco with it) making it potentially a bit more sensitive to manufacturing
inconsistencies as well as more prone to bending if stressed.
Now this is less of a problem with a hand-held but we know for a fact the
CTC will eventually produce a cranker to use this new media. Pictures of finished sticks
made with this new sized equipment are on our Filter Tubes page, but we
thought we might as well show you them here as well. The first thing you'll probably
notice is that not only is the new slimmer tube smaller in diameter, but it is also
shorter, actually regular size in length (80mm) as compared to King-Size (87mm) with 100's
usually about 97mm. Now much of the world enjoys regular length cigarettes. Both Players
and Export A in Canada are 80mm sticks though they have nearly the larger, standard
manufactured cigarette diameter. What this all boils down to is this new size is utterly
fantastic for all my favorite tobaccos that are too strong to smoke in a normal sized Make
Your Own tube, regardless of how much filtration is applied. With the exception of using
Gizeh's Charbon charcoal tip tube, these great tobaccos were relegated to thin,
hand rolled sticks for my consumption.

For example, the minute the samples of these tubes and injectors reached my
desk, I got out my Gauloises and Ramback Turkish, mixed them together about 50/50, and
injected them into the new tube. The flavor and experience was sensational. Even the VERY
strong Gauloises by itself was incredible in this new size tube. Now it took me a few
tries before I could manage the injector. I used too much tobacco at first, but using a
little common sense and the handy tamper tool that comes with the Rayo unit, within a few
minutes I was making perfect slim, exotic smokes. I even enjoyed my regular blends like
Bali Red more as the increased lightness came not from more filtration, but from the
smaller area/diameter of burning tobacco. I think this size will revolutionize this
industry for the smoker who likes a lighter smoke, a shorter/faster smoke (not everyone
has the ten minutes or so it can take to smoke a normal MYO cigarette), as well as a truly
eye-catching stick. Much like I feel about Zig-Zag's 100mm hand injector
and wonderful 100mm tubes, I even can handle the otherwise pain in the
ass procedures of hand-injectors, as the results are so satisfying.

These products should be available both online and locally now or very soon
and, if I were you, I would make it a point to ask my retailer about them. Further, I
would recommend that retailers immediately encourage their distributors to begin stocking
them. These slimmer tubes are advertised to use 20% less tobacco which is somewhat of an
understatement as I could barely fit half of the normal amount of tobacco into these tubes
as my normal King-Size. CTC, with little fanfare has created a VERY important new concept
for the MYO industry. Simply try 'em. The injector and a box of tubes will cost you
certainly less than $10 and we here at RYO would really like to hear from you about your experience.
Be patient with the injector. It is a lot tougher (stronger) than I figured it would be
and should last a long time, but please, use less tobacco than you think necessary at
first. And use the tamper tool provided.
as promised above, you again will find our recommendations for the care and use of CTC

The CTC line of Supermatic, Supermatic
II, and Excel injectors have given a boost to the make your own
industry like no other product. CTC's commitment to quality, reliability, and customer
service sets a standard to be followed by all other accessory manufacturers. But
even with all of the above true, some people are still having trouble with these marvelous
machines. Since 1995, we have been using, taking apart, tinkering, and making
recommendations for the design of these machines and find little left to criticize. We
share a lot of reader input as well with CTC. However, there are some parameters that must
be followed in order to have your machine last as long as the ones we use, which is to say
effectively for many years. Although some of the following information is already included
with the manufacturer's instruction, we felt, knowing most folks hate reading directions,
especially regarding products that appear so simple to operate, that an
instruction/recommendation sheet from RYO Magazine might further aid those who manage to
miss the existing directions for use. The following is a sheet that will be included in
all future Supermatics and we assure you that if you follow them religiously, you will
have few, if any, problems. Please read carefully what follows:

The Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II, and
Excel machines are without peer in the world of cigarette tube injectors. However, as
robust as these machine are, they, like all precision tools, must be used knowledgeably
and with care. By strictly adhering to the following simple recommendations, the
trouble-free life of these machines can effectively be extended indefinitely.
1. Read all directions and save them, as well as this card, for
future reference.
2. Never allow anyone not trained in the use of these machines to
use them. I cannot over-emphasize the fact that the single largest cause of injector
failure is its use by someone who has not been trained by the owner of the machine or read
the instructions that come with each machine.
3. We have seen first-hand, many people putting downward
pressure on the injector handle when injecting. This WILL invariably cause
problems. Always use smooth and even force applied horizontally to the machine, never
putting weight on the handle during the injection process.
4. Use medium to fine-cut tobaccos of medium to long length, never
pipe tobacco type cuts or other very short cut, bulky blends.
5. Never use tobacco that is overly moist, or overly dry. The
overly dry category includes the powdery tobacco residue often found at the bottom of
tobacco bags. This "Shake" will definitely jam the injector.
6. Finally should your injector become jammed, or even require a
little more pressure than normal to inject, STOP immediately, open the
injector "crank" and clear the tobacco chamber using a non-metallic probe.
Follow this up with a few dry injection motions (no tobacco). Forcing the injector when
jammed with tobacco is the primary cause of failure in all injectors.
7. These machines have warranties that are a minimum of one year
up to a Lifetime warranty on the Premier Supermatic. However, if you follow the above
procedures, as well as adhere to the instructions that come with each machine, you will
most likely never need to send a machine in for service.
Doug Kennedy
RYO Magazine
Item # 3 above addresses what is considered a
relatively new problem, but we suspect that this problem may have surfaced previously as a
manifestation of the difficulty in holding down the original metal Supermatics. That older
model had no rubber base and this fact alone may have contributed to an ergonomic issue
for many people who subconsciously exerted downward force when they were cranking the
machines in order to keep them from sliding around. The little black
grommet/gasket/fitting that rests between the crank handle and the base is made of a hard
plastic material that will deteriorate if stressed. We know that CTC is constantly
working to improve their designs and the future may see better gripping points on the
Supermatic top. However, no matter what you do to improve any design that is meant to do
the kind of work that a Supermatic is capable of, one can always find ways to break or
damage it. The manufacturer now issues a one year warranty on the big
blue guy and, while there is some inconvenience associated with returning products for
repair even at no cost, considering the savings one achieves in making one's own
cigarettes and not to mention the other benefits as well, we frankly feel that much too
much has been made of these machines being damaged by SOME folks. While it is true that I
broke my first Supermatic seven years ago within a month of getting it, I have owned many,
and used MANY more since and they all have performed flawlessly. I learned quickly the
machine's capabilities, vulnerabilities, and how best to use it. For a year and a half, we
had demo machines at the store which were used extensively (but with our supervision) and
all of those, without exception, still perform as well as the day they were new. Still, as
with any tool, you can screw them up. If you do, the information
contained with your warranty will give you a number to call to return the machine or
replace damaged parts if you so wish. You can also click on the banner above to go to the
CTC Information page to find those contact numbers.

With the dollar
savings one gains from making one's own cigarettes, the higher cost of a table top
injector really is minimal for most people and is quickly absorbed in the savings that
The less expensive and extremely well made Excel Platinum is, surprisingly enough,
easier for some to use than the larger Supermatic and, consequently, it seems to have
fewer problems for certain people. Even though it has some plastic functional parts, the
recessed grip at the top of the machine does make it much easier to hold onto and
therefore dissuades one from pressing down on the machine during the injection process. We
love this little machine and see few returned because of damage. Part of the problem with
the larger Premier Supermatic is that it is such a robust feeling machine
that some fail to realize that a big, all metal machine that is as formidable as the Big
Blue could still have limits to the amount of stress applied. For that reason we recommend
that everyone who is serious about sticking with making their own cigarettes own both a Premier
AND an Excel as a backup as well as a good hand-injector for travel. The
smaller silver Excel is also great for traveling as it has no sharp edges and has shown
itself to be very forgiving when packed amongst delicate items like clothes and
electronics. Plus, it is a joy to use. And considering the fact that with a little
shopping around on-line you can buy both machines for what some retailers charge for the
Premier alone, this becomes a cost-effective solution should one or the other of your
machines need repair. Places like D&R Tobacco ( ),
American Thrust Tobacco ( ) and RYO Tobacco ( ) sell these machines at great prices. The
Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II and Excel all
have a one year warranty. The Lifetime warranty initially offered as an introductory
promotion on the Premier Supermatic has returned to its normal one year warranty.
The same rules above apply for the Excel as well as both Supermatics. Follow them with
consistency and you will have a rewarding experience that will forever change your
attitude about the way you use tobacco.
As a last note, all of
the above is written with a huge amount of gratitude that is daily
expressed by our customers, our readers, as well as we at RYO Magazine personally, for the
efforts of those manufacturers in the MYO industry who, often at great financial risk,
continue to provide significantly improved and evolutionary products to help make the case
for MYO. The possibility that one's first experience with making their own cigarettes will
be a negative one, is quickly dwindling. the ed. |