![]() Even
at that price it won't take long to make up the difference between Make Your Own
cigarettes and pre mades. Also CC and the major power behind it, Sally Baldwin, do have a
successful track record in marketing on a pretty grand scale and I would be surprised if
this is anything but the real deal. It is only the price the worries me and as mentioned
before, even that is One word about the promotional
material if you happen to receive a brochure before the product is truly ready. The
brochure mentions the fact that in addition to tobacco, tubes , a case and other items,
you also get a Manufacturing License. Now this license is only a promotional idea that has
no real legal permit attached to it. In other word, the license says basically that you
have been trained to operate the machine. So please don't anticipate that upon purchase of
the Revolution, you are going to be able to set yourself up as a cigarette manufacturer.
There are stringent regulations and cost to doing so and selling the finished product of
this machine, even to friends is patently illegal. Just a reminder. The Certificate is a
cute novelty but you know for sure, SOMEONE will take it as permission to set up a
manufacturing operation. Not a chance taht will fly. On a more current note, we have had the chance to shoot extensive video of the Premier Double Injector and will present that as well when we return in early August. This device actually does work well and with a little practice can save you some time over other hand injectors. It however is not as fast as a good crank like the Supermatic and Excel even with two stick at one time. You still have to fill both cambers with tobacco and still have to put two tubes in place. Nonetheless we think it will be popular because of its relatively low cost and the robust size and quality of its construction. You'll see what we mean in the videos.
finally before we return we have just one more thing to cover in the injector world. In
addition to the oversized injectors we showed you last time from CTC, ZigZag, and HBI,
which by the way all have proven to work much better than their smaller counterparts, we
have received a lot of mail regarding the Supermatic II. This medium price machine i Now we repeat for those that are getting confused about 100mm tubes and machines, that the only crank injector to date that is specifically designed to work with both length tubes is the big blue Premier Supermatic. While it remains our recommended machine, it is not nearly as portable and costs several times as much. We think it is worth it and the dedicated MYO enthusiast usually winds up with this very machine. Still smaller units like the Excel and these new, larger hand-helds are certainly more convenient for certain methods of travel and because of their lower cost, do provide incentive for folks to try MYO for the first time. The Excel, in our opinion is more in the class of the Supermatic than these hand-helds. It is a great machine and frankly, I am as efficient on it as I am on the Big Blue. It won't last as long with heavy multiple pack per day use but I have no reason to inject that many smokes at a time. However, and I repeat, I would travel with these new lines of hand-helds, something I would have never done before with any hand held, especially for any extended period of time. There really are no other new injectors to cover at this time so we are working on a series of video demonstrations of the optimal use of these devices. We will do so very soon in our MultiMedia section. There are many new innovations coming to this magazine and we look forward to bringing you one step closer to the actual experience of using one of these machine before you spend the bucks to own one. As more people go to broadband connection, video demos will become a matter of course. We feel comprehensive video will also enable those who already own these machines to get better and longer use out of them. Until all the video, in addition to the one above, is ready, enjoy what is here and don't forget to read the Archives and patronize our sponsors. - Doug We felt it important to repeat our recommendation for the successful use of these machines (these tips apply to all injectors generally, most especially the crank style). You will find this information once again at the bottom of this page. Now, as promised above, you again will find our recommendations for the care and use of CTC injectors. The CTC line of Supermatic, Supermatic II, and Excel injectors have given a boost to the make your own industry like no other single product line. CTC's commitment to quality, reliability, and customer service sets a standard to be followed by all other accessory manufacturers. But even with all of the above true, some people are still having trouble with these marvelous machines. Since 1995, we have been using, taking apart, tinkering, and making recommendations for the design of these machines and find little left to criticize. We share a lot of reader input as well with CTC. However, there are some parameters that must be followed in order to have your machine last as long as the ones we use, which is to say effectively for many years. Although some of the following information is already included with the manufacturer's instruction, we felt, knowing most folks hate reading directions, especially regarding products that appear so simple to operate, that an instruction/recommendation sheet from RYO Magazine might further aid those who manage to miss the existing directions for use. The following is a sheet that will be included in all future Supermatics and we assure you that if you follow them religiously, you will have few, if any, problems. Please read carefully what follows:
With the dollar
savings one gains from making one's own cigarettes, the higher cost of a table top
injector really is minimal for most people and is quickly absorbed in the savings that
result. The Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II and Excel all have a one year warranty. The Lifetime warranty initially offered as an introductory promotion on the Premier Supermatic has returned to its normal one year warranty. The same rules above apply for the Excel as well as both Supermatics. Follow them with consistency and you will have a rewarding experience that will forever change your attitude about the way you use tobacco. As a last note, all of the above is written with a huge amount of gratitude that is daily expressed by our customers, our readers, as well as we at RYO Magazine personally, for the efforts of those manufacturers in the MYO industry who, often at great financial risk, continue to provide significantly improved and evolutionary products to help make the case for MYO. The possibility that one's first experience with making their own cigarettes will be a negative one, is quickly dwindling. the ed. |
EDITOR'S NOTE: These reviews are solely for the convenience of people of legal age who already smoke, are trying to cut down on smoking, wish to spend less money on their smoking, want to roll their own cigarettes from high quality tobacco, and, in general, wish to have a far more satisfying, and economical smoking experience when compared with smoking pre-manufactured cigarettes. We, in no way, encourage people to smoke. Further, we prescribe to a sane, more logical approach to smoking that involves common sense as to quantity coupled with a strong desire to manage the habit until it becomes an occasional, freely chosen, diversion, that can be fully enjoyed with minimal health risks. Finally, we strongly encourage those who do smoke to take it outdoors, or to appropriate environments where tobacco can be enjoyed away from those who do not smoke, most especially children. We do not sell tobacco or related products from this site; We distribute information about our perceptions of the quality of what is available and where it can be obtained. If you are under 18, it is illegal to buy tobacco and you should immediately exit this site. If you do not smoke, it would seem illogical to start. |
© 1999 RYO Magazine
A Publication of
The Andromedan Design Company
RYO Magazine
is a trademark of The Andromedan Design Company,
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