The CTC line of Supermatic
and Excel injectors have given a boost to the make your own industry like
no other product. CTC's commitment to quality, reliability, and customer service sets a standard to be followed by all other accessory manufacturers. But
even with all of the above true, some people are still having trouble with these marvelous
machines. Since 1995, we have been using, taking apart, tinkering and, making
recommendation to the design of these machines and find little left to criticize. However
there are some parameters that must be followed in order to have your machine last as long
as the ones we use, which is to say effectively for many years. Although some of the
following information is already included with the manufacturer's instruction, we felt,
knowing most folks hate reading directions, especially regarding products that appear so
simple to operate, that a instruction/recommendation sheet from RYO Magazine would aid
those who manage to miss the existing directions for use. The following is a sheet that
will be included in all future Supermatics and we assure you that if you follow them
religiously, you will have few if any problems. Please read carefully what follows:

The Premier Supermatic, Supermatic II, and
Excel machines are without peer in the world of cigarette tube injectors. However, as
robust as these machine are, they, like all precision tools, must be used knowledgeably
and with care. By strictly adhering to the following simple recommendations, the
trouble-free life of these machines can effectively be extended indefinitely.
1. Read all directions and save them, as well as this card, for
future reference.
2. Never allow anyone not trained in the use of these machines to
use them. I cannot over-emphasize the fact that the single largest cause of injector
failure is its use by someone who has not been trained by the owner of the machine or read
the instructions that come with each machine.
3. We have seen first-hand, many people putting downward
pressure on the injector handle when injecting. This WILL invariably cause
problems. Always use smooth and even force applied horizontally to the machine, never
putting weight on the handle during the injection process.
4. Use medium to fine-cut tobaccos of medium to long length, never
pipe tobacco type cuts or other very short cut, bulky blends.
5. Never use tobacco that is overly moist, or overly dry. The
overly dry category includes the powdery tobacco residue often found at the bottom of
tobacco bags. This "Shake" will definitely jam the injector.
6. Finally should your injector become jammed or even require a
little more pressure than normal to inject, STOP immediately, open the
injector "crank" and clear the tobacco chamber using a non-metallic probe.
Follow this up with a few dry injection motions (no tobacco). Forcing the injector when
jammed with tobacco is the primary cause of failure in all injectors.
7. These machines have warranties that are a minimum of one year
up to a Lifetime warranty on the Premier Supermatic. However, if you follow the above
procedures, as well as adhere to the instructions that come with each machine, you will
most likely never need to send a machine in for service.
Doug Kennedy
RYO Magazine
Item # 3 above addresses what is considered a
relatively new problem but we suspect that this problem may have surfaced previously as a
manifestation of the difficulty in holding down the original metal Supermatics. That older
model had no rubber base and this fact alone may have contributed to an ergonomic issue
for many people who subconsciously exerted downward force when they were cranking the
machines in order to keep them from sliding around. The little black
grommet/gasket/fitting that rests between the crank handle and the base is made of a hard
plastic material that will deteriorate if stressed. We know that CTC is constantly
working to improve their designs and the future may see better gripping points on the
Supermatic top. However no matter what you do to improve any design that is meant to do
the kind of work that a Supermatic is capable of, one can always find ways to break or
damage it. The manufacturer issues a LIFETIME warranty on the big blue
guy and while there is some inconvenience associated with returning products for repair
even at no cost, considering the savings one achieves in making one's own cigarettes and
not to mention the other benefits as well, we frankly feel that much too much has been
made of these machines being damaged by SOME folks. While it is true that I broke my first
Supermatic seven years ago within a month of getting it, I have owned many, and used MANY
more since and they all have performed flawlessly. I learned quickly the machine's
capabilities, vulnerabilities, and how best to use it. For a year and a half, we've
had demo machines at the store which were used extensively (but with our supervision) and
all of those, without exception, still perform as well as the day they were new. Still, as
with any tool, you can screw them up. If you do, the information
contained with your warranty will give you a number to call to return the machine or
replace damaged parts if you so wish. You can also click on the banner below to go to the
CTC Information page to find those contact numbers.

Now with the dollar
savings one gains from making one's own cigarettes, the higher cost of a table top
injector really is minimal for most people and is quickly absorbed in the savings that
The less expensive and extremely well made Excel Platinum is, surprisingly enough,
easier for some to use than the larger Supermatic and consequently it seems to have fewer
problems for certain people. Even though it has some plastic functional parts, the
recessed grip at the top of the machine does make it much easier to hold onto and
therefore dissuades one from pressing down on the machine during the injection process. We
love this little machine and see few returned because of damage. Part of the problem with
the larger Premier Supermatic is that it is a robust feeling machine and some fail to
realize that a big, all metal machine that is as formidable as the Big Blue could have
limits to stress applied. For that reason we recommend that everyone who is serious about
sticking with making their own cigarettes own both a Premier AND an Excel
as a backup. The smaller silver machine is also great for traveling as it has no sharp
edges and has shown itself to be very forgiving when packed amongst delicate items like
clothes and electronics. Plus it is a joy to use. And considering the fact that with a
little shopping around on-line you can buy both machines for what some retailers charge
for the Premier alone, this becomes a cost-effective solution should one or the other of
your machines need repair. Places like D&R Tobacco ( ) and
ABS Tobacco (
) sell these machines at great prices and RYO Tobacco ( ), though you will
find there a slightly higher price for each of these devices, bundles them with
significant amounts of tobacco to offset their higher price. The Excel
has a one year warranty as compared to the Lifetime warrant on the larger
Premier, but we have yet to break even one of the Excels. The same rules above apply
for the Excel as well as the Supermatic (Premier). Follow them with consistency and you
will have a rewarding experience that will forever change your attitude about they way you
use tobacco.

group of machines referred to as hand injectors have a new member and, while it differs
little from most others in this category and is not as impressive as either the Maiker
from Sixty One/Precision Products, or the new line of Zig-Zag's or Gizeh's, it does have
the distinction of being part of a much larger line of products provided by HBI (Herbal
Bar Industries) that we have looked at throughout this issue. The ZEN Cigarette
*Shooter ( *a term we find amusing) is a nice little injector that comes in a
range of colors and is an adequate compliment to the wider line of ZEN Products. It is
made in China as are most hand injectors and performs well for what it is. The cutting
blades are not particularly sharp so the tobacco chamber must be filled and packed
completely with no tobacco hanging out. Most machines with this characteristic have a
tamping tool included with them. The ZEN Shooter does not. Nonetheless it works well and
seems to be hearty enough to function for a long enough period of time to demonstrate to
the user the advantages of making one's own cigarettes. We like what HBI is doing in terms
of creating a full line of products with a catchy name like Zen. Everything that
contributes to a wider exposure among packaged cigarette smokers of the simplicity,
economy, and quality of MYO smoking is welcomed. Much like CHILLS, Zen products are aimed
at the cooler, hipper crowd and it has been our observation that that particular group of
smokers is more often likely to smoke packaged cigarettes than the more mature,
experienced tobacco enthusiast. If people in that younger demographic (22-30) are
determined to smoke, it is our opinion that they be exposed to the advantages, both taste
and moderation that MYO emphasizes. Perhaps when all is said and done, MYO can cause folks
to examine the reasons they smoke. If they truly do not enjoy the flavor of great tobacco,
perhaps they will re-examine their need to smoke. Living in a college town, it makes me a
bit uncomfortable seeing students choosing smoking over nutrition, cigarettes over food.
It is their choice, of course, but no doubt lower cost methods of smoking involving less
tainted tobacco products can logically be viewed as a step in the direction of informed
choice rather than peer influenced compliance. Pre-Packaged cigarettes, even ones of
exceptionally high purity such as American Spirit Cigarettes, encourage
consumption. It is our experience, having viewed the habits of large numbers of customers
and readers, that those who inject American Spirit tobacco into a tube, smoke less than
those who buy the pre-mades even though the pre-mades are far more expensive than their
MYO counterpart.
As a last note, all of
the above is written with a huge amount of gratitude that is daily
expressed by our customers, our readers, as well as we at RYO Magazine personally, for the
efforts of those manufacturers in the MYO industry who, often at great financial risk,
continue to provide significantly improved and evolutionary products to help make the case
for MYO. The possibility that one's first experience with making their own cigarettes will
be a negative one, is quickly dwindling. the ed. |