A company called Precision Products, Inc, which
we're told is associated with the Sixty-One tobacco folks has come up with just such an
injector branded the Maiker. It is of the hand-held type and works pretty well for that
design. It rarely completely fills the 100mm tube, which is also manufactured by the
company (actually for the company in the Philippines - the injector
likewise is made for Precision in China), but the workmanship on the injector is first
class. Its action is smooth and pretty forgiving as to tobacco cut and tobacco amount as
hand-helds go. It does a great job on king size tubes with one important (and
controversial) caveat. The tubes the Maiker
makes (uses? *see our filtered tube section in this issue) are smaller in diameter than
any other tube on the market. The result is that while you can use other tubes with the
Maiker (they fit a little loosely but still work) you can't use their 100mm tubes with any
other current injector. Now this presents a problem that we at the magazine have foreseen
and noted for some time in past discussions with readers, manufacturers, and others. That
is, that most manufactured cigarettes are smaller in diameter than Make Your Owns to begin
with and most 100's are smaller in diameter than their manufactured King-sized siblings.
It was our opinion that a 100mm stick with the diameter of the traditional Make Your Own
Tube might present a rather "large" looking cigarette for the general public to
accept. Re-tooling injector components for a smaller diameter tube would be expensive so
we were surprised that Maiker made this move so early on. There is also the issue of the
critical size of the spoon (the injecting element) and the tendency for RYO tobacco to be
much larger in cut and fluffiness than the nearly powdered and distressed tobacco product
that goes into a mass production cigarette making machine (more on this in our cover story
"Why Humans Smoke"). The fact is, the Maiker tube Nonetheless we applaud Maiker (Precision) for their effort as we often feel that the RYO/MYO industry is too slow to innovate and for the market share to grow so that RYO/MYO can seriously compete with major cigarette brands, many innovations and a number of improvements as well are necessary. For instance, the box that the Maiker tubes come in is the nicest we have seen and a real improvement over the tenuously thin packaging that most tube makers use. It is a solidly constructed sliding-drawer (like a box of nice kitchen matches) design and affords much better protection for the fragile tubes that must live inside. The problem is the tube size prevents the use of the tubes on any other injector like the new Supermatic (*see below) which also will inject 100mm tubes (though no such tubes exist in the US - at least at this writing - for the Supermatic machine). The injector price is equitable as are the tube considering their larger size. I guess the most important lesson to be learned here is that
proprietary designs that limit the consumer's choices are never among the best of ideas,
(platform dependent software and manufacturer/dealership-only auto parts, for instance)
and the industry as a whole would do well to begin cooperating and coordinating with each
other in more fruitful ways that will ultimately benefit the consumer and the market as a
whole. Now I realize that all of these companies view themselves as competitors but the
truth is, their competition with each other is incredibly, at times shortsightedly
minor-league when compared with the competition they face from their true adversaries, the
Big packaged, Cigarette It was with a great
sense of anticipation and excitement that we finally got a look at the long awaited
upgrade of the industry standard Supermatic. This machine was rumored to
be a major upgrade and for the most part, it delivers splendidly. It is an absolutely
beautiful piece of machinery, a dark navy blue textured top sitting on a textured gray
base. The bottom of the machine is now covered with a much welcomed |
EDITOR'S NOTE: These reviews are solely for the convenience of people of legal age who already smoke, are trying to cut down on smoking, wish to spend less money on their smoking, want to roll their own cigarettes from high quality tobacco, and, in general, wish to have a far more satisfying, and economical smoking experience when compared with smoking pre-manufactured cigarettes. We, in no way, encourage people to smoke. Further, we prescribe to a sane, more logical approach to smoking that involves common sense as to quantity coupled with a strong desire to manage the habit until it becomes an occasional, freely chosen, diversion, that can be fully enjoyed with minimal health risks. Finally, we strongly encourage those who do smoke to take it outdoors, or to appropriate environments where tobacco can be enjoyed away from those who do not smoke, most especially children. We do not sell tobacco or related products from this site; We distribute information about our perceptions of the quality of what is available and where it can be obtained. If you are under 18, it is illegal to buy tobacco and you should immediately exit this site. If you do not smoke, it would seem illogical to start. |
© 1999 RYO Magazine
A Publication of
The Andromedan Design Company
RYO Magazine
is a trademark of The Andromedan Design Company,
and its contents are protected under all applicable copyright laws.