We complete this section on little cigars in this issue as
there was so much to try (sample) in the way of these little treats that we ran short of
space (and time) in the last issue. Part II (the new stuff) is at the bottom of this page
while part one follows immediately (just in case you didn't get through it last time). Part 1 The idea of small aperitif-style cigars, while not new, has certainly been getting increasing attention of late. As a matter of fact, there are now several dozen credible cigar makers offering these small treats. They usually range in size from 27 to 32 ring gauge (a measure of circumference in mm) and less than 5" in length and generally come 8 to 10 to a package. These gems are not to be confused with cigarillos or the cheap supermarket version of cigar wannabe's. No, these are indeed the real thing with often as much flavor and sophistication as their larger counterparts. Often they are hand rolled and wrapped as carefully as their larger counterparts, though most of the filler consists of "leavings" from rollings of larger more expensive product. Now, I have been a fan
of good cigars for some time and, though prices and taxes are making this minor diversion
of mine increasingly difficult to justify, I still manage Needless to say, after
this experience with the Cuesta-Rey, I was eager to see what else was out there on the
market. Considering price and the fact that often I rarely have time or am in the
environment where I can enjoy a full sized cigar, AND if this little treat was any
indication of what else may be available, I began looking around for other brands. To my
surprise, several upscale cigar makers make a similar product. (By upscale I mean the
Cadillacs of the industry - Cadillac as opposed The Partagas Puritos,
while a slightly stronger offering is extremely well made and satisfying. Almost identical
in size to the Cameo, this is a first quality smoke with much of the character of the
larger often excellent Partagas line. It still continues to amaze me at how much enjoyment
I experience with these size smokes. Punch, another one of
the finer upper-medium priced cigar brands also makes an offering in this category. It is
called the Slim Panatela and while it is a bit smaller in diameter and a bit shorter, it
nonetheless has a full sized character. Now, if you like forcing your jaw out of its
natural position by filling your face with a big diameter stogie these probably will fall
short of your expectations of the whole chewy ambience of cigar smoking. But if it is
flavor, economy and convenience that you seek, these are true winners. I mean DAMN good
smokes. The Honduran/Dominican Punch is a little stronger than the Cameo, less so than the
Partagas but very aromatic and nutty. Smells like an Of course Macanudo,
perhaps the most popular premium cigar in the US, also makes one called the Ascot. At
4.25" by 32 ring, it is also very mild and we're told can be had with the natural
(light brown) maduro (dark brown) or the claro (green) wrapper. This smoke was every bit
as good as the others, yet with a taste that is distinctively Mac. We have found these
particular small cigars pretty easy to find as nearly all decent smoke shops carry the
Macanudo line. Prices on these vary as do with all the small cigars but expect to pay
between $15 and $20 for a ten-cigar tin, which means about $2 a piece. While it is
possible online to find a number of pretty good full sized cigars at close to the $2
price, with local taxes being what they are in most states (our Editorial
this issue covers the specific tax in each state) even cheap cigars can get pricey from
local vendors. Of all the small ones we have tried, this is one our favorites as they seem
to have a truly sophisticated big cigar taste and burn rate but more importantly the
fragrance seems to be more acceptable to those who don't particularly like the smell of
cigars, you know some women and most dogs. Ashton makes high
priced and generally very good cigars although we are told that the company prices these
smaller offerings much higher than the rest reviewed here. The samples we got were
wonderful, rich and mild with a full cigar ambience. As we said, they can be pricey
tending towards the $20 per tin price. Consequently these 4.25" x 32 ring gauge
beauties may not be as available as some other brands for the simple reason that many
shops may not feel they can sell them as easily as the less expensive ones
above. These "Esquires" are like the Cameo and Ascot in that they are very
mild and flavorful. I would go to extra efforts to get them but only if the price was at
least somewhat reasonable. Some may not wish to expend the additional energy, but at the
end of this review, we will show you a couple of places where you can usually find them The Shimmelpenninck
Duet is a much longer though thinner 5.25" x 27 ring small cigar that is considerably
lower in price than those above. They are pretty darn good and though they don't last much
longer than their shorter competitors, as they tend to burn faster, nonetheless they do
the job intended which is to give you a reasonably okay taste in a manageable amount of
time and space. Bering cigars found
their niche long ago as an alternative between truly bad, cheap supermarket-quality cigars
and more the expensive premiums found only in cigar shops. They practically invented the
metal tube for low priced cigars which has helped their image and performance
tremendously. Their small cigar entry is called the #8 and, as expected, reasonably priced
and quite good. They burn a little quickly but the flavor is rich and considering the
price, fairly complex - and they are pretty easy to find. The Honduran nature of H.Upmann cigars tend to be pricey and have never been one of my favorites because of that. I have had some great ones and they do have a reputation for making consistent sticks. They just always seemed a little over-priced for the ride. One of the nice things about all of these little cigars, especially the ones made by the more expensive manufacturers, is that it affords the smoker the opportunity to sample at least a hint of the product that these folks produce. This is not to say that these little offerings taste just like their larger siblings, but one can taste in the good brands the differences that make each of these makers distinctive. The Upmann Aperitif's 4"x28 ring are a little smaller than most of the others but have a very good flavor and burn with a leisurely pace so that each stick can be appreciated for some time. There are a number of
other good cigar makers who make little cigars, or cigarillos at least. We tried to show
you the ones that come in tins because we feel tins are cool. They add convenience and
flair to the whole experience. There are bargains out there for "seconds" and
"overruns" for these kinds of smokes just as there are for full-sized cigars.
One should be aware that it is not unusual for so called name brand "seconds" to
be counterfeit knockoffs. So, the buyer must remain vigilant and thoroughly trust the
seller of such merchandise. Most "seconds" come unlabeled and in larger boxes so
you won't get the cool tin but if you already have the tins from previous purchases, using
the 'seconds" as refills makes sense. There is one place we know of online that
specializes in the small cigar market. This site allows We finish this section with a new find that may just be the best small cigar around. The brand name is Pinar and they are about the same size as the others mentioned here. They claim to be made from "Legal" Cuban tobacco. Now, how this is possible I have not yet been able to determine, but I must admit that the flavor is very Cuban in nature. Strong, robust with a great atmospheric quality that really makes a nice presentation. They are somewhat less expensive than many of the others reviewed here. They come in a cardboard pack rather than a tin, but considering the flavor, who cares! Now these little rockets sound like a real winner but few people know about them and we know of only one place online that sells them. That is Cascade Cigar & Tobacco. We recommend them highly and probably would prefer them over many far more expensive and even larger smokes. Please keep in mind that, although in most cases internet prices are far lower than your local outlet - who is forced to pay their particular state's tobacco tax - by law you are responsible for paying that tax if you bring cigars into your state. The law is clear but enforcement is very weak at this point. There is some concern by many who fear that, in the future, cigar and other tobacco sellers who do sell online or by mail order will be forced to submit sales records and lists of clientele, and if that happens, you could wind up owing the tax on all previous purchases retroactively. Check your state's website under the Revenue Department's section dealing with tobacco for more information. Better yet, write your representatives and encourage them to repeal prohibitive and inequitable tobacco taxes. - the ed. Part II Little Cigars (Continued) There are so many entrees in this field that some distinction must be made as to how we classify and how you should use the information both above and below. As we said above, the size (32 ring under 5" in length) is clearly a first consideration. But it is important to note that there are other so-called little cigars out there that are of similar size that are little more than paper products soaked in tobacco resins or worse. We are interested only in miniature versions of "real" cigars and there are some significant ones left out of the first part of this review.
The Don Diego line of cigars has been a favorite of ours
for quite a while. They are all consistently manufactured and offer a creamy textured
taste to the palette that is not unlike the far more expensive Diamond Crown. The small
entry, the Prelude, is no exception other than it is a bit on the small
side at 28 ring x 4.25". The price is favorable and the smoke is superb. These are
real cigars of the finest quality, another Dominican favorite with just Our last highly recommended little cigar is from C.A.O. and they come in
two varieties, both 32 ring x 4.25". Our favorite is the Maduro Petite
which, not unlike the Fuentes, has a rich dark wrapper and a very tasty filler. The Petites
are a little unusual What is most pertinent about the little cigar market is its close association, even affinity, to the Make Your Own/Roll Your Own style. A very large number of readers responded with interest for these little treats and after ordering them further responded with varying degrees of pleasurable opinions. They seem to be a good fit for the person moderating their tobacco usage and smoking behavior whether it be by using higher quality tobacco in tube-injected cigarettes or small yet high quality cigars. While most cigar shops and a few online outlets carry some of these smoke, the three best places we have been able to find for wide selections still remain below: And we repeat . . . . . Please keep in mind that, although in most cases internet prices are far lower than your local outlet - who is forced to pay their particular state's tobacco tax - by law you are responsible for paying that tax if you bring cigars into your state. The law is clear but enforcement is very weak at this point. There is some concern by many who fear that, in the future, cigar and other tobacco sellers who do sell online or by mail order will be forced to submit sales records and lists of clientele, and if that happens, you could wind up owing the tax on all previous purchases retroactively. Check your state's website under the Revenue Department's section dealing with tobacco for more information. Better yet, write your representatives and encourage them to repeal prohibitive and inequitable tobacco taxes. - the ed.
EDITOR'S NOTE: These reviews are solely for the convenience of people of legal age who already smoke, are trying to cut down on smoking, wish to spend less money on their smoking, want to roll their own cigarettes from high quality tobacco, and, in general, wish to have a far more satisfying, and economical smoking experience when compared with smoking pre-manufactured cigarettes. We, in no way, encourage people to smoke. Further, we prescribe to a sane, more logical approach to smoking that involves common sense as to quantity coupled with a strong desire to manage the habit until it becomes an occasional, freely chosen, diversion, that can be fully enjoyed with minimal health risks. Finally, we strongly encourage those who do smoke to take it outdoors, or to appropriate environments where tobacco can be enjoyed away from those who do not smoke, most especially children. We do not sell tobacco or related products from this site; We distribute information about our perceptions of the quality of what is available and where it can be obtained. If you are under 18, it is illegal to buy tobacco and you should immediately exit this site. If you do not smoke, it would seem illogical to start. |